Cancer knows no age. Children and adults can get cancer. The difference between cancer in children and adults, one of which is cancer in children can not be prevented as well as adult cancers. So there is no term prevention of cancer in children, but be aware of symptoms of cancer in children.
Referring to the statement above, some parents would be wondering about whether it was of no use to teach healthy lifestyles to children. Remain healthy lifestyles must be taught to children as early as possible. The aim is not to prevent cancer in children, but to prevent cancers that can arise when a child if it has become an adult. For, as has been previously written above, cancers in adults can be prevented.
In Indonesia, every year there are an estimated 4100 new cases of cancer in children. According to data obtained from the Cancer Hospital "Dharmais" in 2006, approximately 50% of patients who come already in a state of advanced stage. Based on research, it is because one of them because the parents of patients who received less information about cancer in children. Therefore, it is important for parents to know about what symptoms to watch out for in children suspected of being affected by cancer. Immediately brought to the clinic, hospital, or other health facilities to be confirmed whether the symptoms found that a cancer. If it was not cancer, of course, we should be grateful. If it turns out it was cancer, still we should be grateful because it means the cancer is discovered at an early stage. Cancer is found at an early stage must have the possibility to recover greater than that found cancer at an advanced stage.
In some literature, also known as malignant cancer. If the observed characteristics of cancer cells, it is true these cells are highly malignant. How not, the cells turned out to have the ability to spread to organs outside the body other than the primary organs through blood vessels or lymph nodes. Logically, if it was eye cancer, cancer cells should be the existence in the eyes only and does not spread everywhere. But what happens, the results of a CT-scan of the brain, cancer cells that should exist in the eyes alone was already reaching the brain. If the situation is like this, expressed as a cancer that occurs with advanced cancer.
Broadly speaking, cancers in children are divided into two parts, namely a blood cancer, or better known as leukemia and solid tumors. Symptoms to watch out for when to suspect a child is exposed to leukemia is the child looks pale, often experience fever, and bleeding, both in the skin, gums, or nose. These symptoms occur because the levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are low due to reduced production by leukemia cells. Leukemia cells is not satisfied simply outstanding in the bone marrow. These cells may spread outside of the bone marrow into the liver, spleen, brain, or bones. Physically, the child will see her belly bulge caused by an enlarged liver and spleen. Additionally, children usually will complain of pain when walking because the leukemia cells that spread to the bone. When the leukemia cells have spread to the brain, the child may have seizures. Beware of the symptoms mentioned above and immediately brought to the clinic, hospital, or other health facilities to be confirmed.
Regarding solid tumors, this can be found in almost all organs of the body of a child, from head to toe. Parents usually feel the tumor or lump in the body of a child by the time they bathe. As previously mentioned principles above, immediately take the child to a health clinic, hospital, or other health facilities to confirm whether a lump is palpable in the boy's body was cancerous or not. The following are things parents should watch out if you see or feel a lump on the eye, neck, lung, stomach, genitals, hands or feet, and brain.
A. Eye Suspicious when the child's eyes look like cat eyes, red eyes, visual disturbances occur, or squint. Special about the red eye, typically a parent will give eye drops are sold freely on the market. Parents may do the actions mentioned above, but in three days if no improvement, take it to a health clinic, hospital, or other health facilities. It could have not a common eye disease, but early symptoms of eye cancer.
B. Neck Beware if the lump is found on the necks of children grew up in a short time. Usually children do not complain of pain when a lump is pressed or held. Unlike the lump arising from the infection, which usually will be sore when pressed or held, and felt hot when touched. Infections of the teeth and the ear can cause a bump with these characteristics. Confirmation needs to be done considering the handling of the two bumps on top are different.
C. Lung When a child is found shortness of breath and chest after the photo was found in lung cancer cells, do not think that this child is affected by lung cancer. No lung cancer in children. This situation is usually the result of the spread of a particular type of cancer to the lungs. One type of cancer in children that can spread to the lungs is a bone cancer.
D. Stomach Many organs can be found in the stomach, including liver, kidney, ovarian, and others. All the organs mentioned above can be affected by cancer. Physically, the child will be seen bulging belly and when pressed will be felt a lump. Check with the child immediately to a health clinic, hospital, or other health facilities. Another thing to note is not too often parents push her belly grew bigger because it can simplify deployment.
E. Genitals Genitals in question is the male genitalia. Physically, right and left testicle does not look as great, the consistency of the affected testis is usually hard, and found no signs of infection. Testicular cancer on the organ, as well as the lungs, may be due to the spread of a particular type of cancer to the testes. The type of cancer in question, which can spread to the testicles is leukemia.
F. Hands or feet Beware if it appears there was swelling of the hands or feet. This swelling usually be accompanied by fever or pain.
G. Brain Bumps on the brain simply can not be seen or touched. However, parents can still be alert to symptoms of brain cancer by looking at the impact caused by the presence of a lump in the brain. These symptoms include dizziness, vomiting spraying, paralysis, and impaired balance.
Cancer can basically be treated and cured if found at an early stage. That's important for parents to understand and be aware of cancer symptoms in children. Not enough to stop there, if parents suspect their children have cancer, immediately take to a health clinic, hospital, or other health facilities to obtain confirmation and further handling. For example, a child who had cancer eye that brought her parents to the hospital at an early stage and get a good handling and correct, proved to have tumor-free survival rate two years by 80%. Conversely, if found at an advanced stage, tumor-free life expectancy of two years fell by 25%.
Referring to the statement above, some parents would be wondering about whether it was of no use to teach healthy lifestyles to children. Remain healthy lifestyles must be taught to children as early as possible. The aim is not to prevent cancer in children, but to prevent cancers that can arise when a child if it has become an adult. For, as has been previously written above, cancers in adults can be prevented.
In Indonesia, every year there are an estimated 4100 new cases of cancer in children. According to data obtained from the Cancer Hospital "Dharmais" in 2006, approximately 50% of patients who come already in a state of advanced stage. Based on research, it is because one of them because the parents of patients who received less information about cancer in children. Therefore, it is important for parents to know about what symptoms to watch out for in children suspected of being affected by cancer. Immediately brought to the clinic, hospital, or other health facilities to be confirmed whether the symptoms found that a cancer. If it was not cancer, of course, we should be grateful. If it turns out it was cancer, still we should be grateful because it means the cancer is discovered at an early stage. Cancer is found at an early stage must have the possibility to recover greater than that found cancer at an advanced stage.
In some literature, also known as malignant cancer. If the observed characteristics of cancer cells, it is true these cells are highly malignant. How not, the cells turned out to have the ability to spread to organs outside the body other than the primary organs through blood vessels or lymph nodes. Logically, if it was eye cancer, cancer cells should be the existence in the eyes only and does not spread everywhere. But what happens, the results of a CT-scan of the brain, cancer cells that should exist in the eyes alone was already reaching the brain. If the situation is like this, expressed as a cancer that occurs with advanced cancer.
Broadly speaking, cancers in children are divided into two parts, namely a blood cancer, or better known as leukemia and solid tumors. Symptoms to watch out for when to suspect a child is exposed to leukemia is the child looks pale, often experience fever, and bleeding, both in the skin, gums, or nose. These symptoms occur because the levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are low due to reduced production by leukemia cells. Leukemia cells is not satisfied simply outstanding in the bone marrow. These cells may spread outside of the bone marrow into the liver, spleen, brain, or bones. Physically, the child will see her belly bulge caused by an enlarged liver and spleen. Additionally, children usually will complain of pain when walking because the leukemia cells that spread to the bone. When the leukemia cells have spread to the brain, the child may have seizures. Beware of the symptoms mentioned above and immediately brought to the clinic, hospital, or other health facilities to be confirmed.
Regarding solid tumors, this can be found in almost all organs of the body of a child, from head to toe. Parents usually feel the tumor or lump in the body of a child by the time they bathe. As previously mentioned principles above, immediately take the child to a health clinic, hospital, or other health facilities to confirm whether a lump is palpable in the boy's body was cancerous or not. The following are things parents should watch out if you see or feel a lump on the eye, neck, lung, stomach, genitals, hands or feet, and brain.
A. Eye Suspicious when the child's eyes look like cat eyes, red eyes, visual disturbances occur, or squint. Special about the red eye, typically a parent will give eye drops are sold freely on the market. Parents may do the actions mentioned above, but in three days if no improvement, take it to a health clinic, hospital, or other health facilities. It could have not a common eye disease, but early symptoms of eye cancer.
B. Neck Beware if the lump is found on the necks of children grew up in a short time. Usually children do not complain of pain when a lump is pressed or held. Unlike the lump arising from the infection, which usually will be sore when pressed or held, and felt hot when touched. Infections of the teeth and the ear can cause a bump with these characteristics. Confirmation needs to be done considering the handling of the two bumps on top are different.
C. Lung When a child is found shortness of breath and chest after the photo was found in lung cancer cells, do not think that this child is affected by lung cancer. No lung cancer in children. This situation is usually the result of the spread of a particular type of cancer to the lungs. One type of cancer in children that can spread to the lungs is a bone cancer.
D. Stomach Many organs can be found in the stomach, including liver, kidney, ovarian, and others. All the organs mentioned above can be affected by cancer. Physically, the child will be seen bulging belly and when pressed will be felt a lump. Check with the child immediately to a health clinic, hospital, or other health facilities. Another thing to note is not too often parents push her belly grew bigger because it can simplify deployment.
E. Genitals Genitals in question is the male genitalia. Physically, right and left testicle does not look as great, the consistency of the affected testis is usually hard, and found no signs of infection. Testicular cancer on the organ, as well as the lungs, may be due to the spread of a particular type of cancer to the testes. The type of cancer in question, which can spread to the testicles is leukemia.
F. Hands or feet Beware if it appears there was swelling of the hands or feet. This swelling usually be accompanied by fever or pain.
G. Brain Bumps on the brain simply can not be seen or touched. However, parents can still be alert to symptoms of brain cancer by looking at the impact caused by the presence of a lump in the brain. These symptoms include dizziness, vomiting spraying, paralysis, and impaired balance.
Cancer can basically be treated and cured if found at an early stage. That's important for parents to understand and be aware of cancer symptoms in children. Not enough to stop there, if parents suspect their children have cancer, immediately take to a health clinic, hospital, or other health facilities to obtain confirmation and further handling. For example, a child who had cancer eye that brought her parents to the hospital at an early stage and get a good handling and correct, proved to have tumor-free survival rate two years by 80%. Conversely, if found at an advanced stage, tumor-free life expectancy of two years fell by 25%.